Mappa Fotografica Romania
Mappa Fotografica Romania
Se ti stai chiedendo quali sono le cose da fotografare assolutamente in Romania sei arrivato nel posto giusto!
Questa è la mappa digitale in cui puoi trovare le migliori location fotografiche della Romania da un punto di vista di un fotografo paesaggista.
You will download a PDF file that contains within it a link to a Google My Maps showing the best places I have discovered over the years.
Since the map is online, it will always be updated every time I add a place and you don't have to do anything!
- You MUST have a Google account to integrate this map with Google Maps. however, you can view it in your internet browser even without a Google account.
- Access to individual locations may vary over time and/or be regulated by local laws or private property. Always inform in advance about the latest local regulations and if in doubt ask for permission.
- Each purchase is strictly personal. Please understand that I put a lot of effort during my travels to create these maps and keep them constantly updated, and I kindly ask you not to share the link with other people.
Copyright 2019 - 2025 Francesco Fanti All rights reserved. VAT N° 03752761209